Thursday 6 March 2014

Stolen Childhoods

This course, children, youth and society allows for students to engage in a concept having various opinions depending on ones background, culture traditions or their gender. When children, especially young ones are exposed to long hours of work in dangerous environments, which harms their lives as well as keeps them from school is termed child labour. As stated on Monday in lecture child labour became a burning global social issue in the 1990’s.

During this lecture, professor Tom O’neill stated that 'Choices' are however constrained by socio-economic conditions. In reference to this we need to understand that the reason behind child labour is poverty and unemployment. Why do people always assume that people become poor because of wrongful decisions? In a number of countries around the globe poor children and their families rely upon child labour in order to attain basic necessities. As unemployment soars so does poverty and child labour. Child labour is an everyday problem in developing countries. Children are constantly being taken advantage of by working long hours providing for their family. Part of me wants to sponsor a child, in hopes that children would not get taken advantage of. These children in third world countries need the chance to get an education. Children who should be attending school are involved in the struggles for money and survival.

In terms of the working child in third world countries in comparison to the working child in westernized countries, it allows for a different view of child labour. When viewing working children in third world countries it’s often seen as 'children headed households.' This phrase means that children are cooking, cleaning and providing parent roles. In reference to the article by Liebel (2003) in Zimbawae and Uganda the majority of children are expected to care for themselves and their brothers and sisters. When comparing this to a working child in a westernized country there are numerous differences. The majority of children and youth do not get jobs till high school due to the legal working age. In the standard family, some parent’s fund for most children, therefore most children only have to work part-time. The average child in North American spends 7 hours a day in free time, playing and watching T.V. These children in third world countries are exposed to ‘adulthood’ their entire life while they miss the opportunity to be a child.

Most of us in today’s generation support the brand ‘Nike.' Nike is one of the world's top sports clothing brands, but for years Nike have been participating in sweatshops and child labour. Children as young as ten are making shoes, clothing and sports equipment such as footballs. These children working in sweatshops are getting physically and mentally abused, just to receive that small income to provide for there loved ones. Yet again, Western society is enforcing child labour by purchasing these products. Then, why do people support this brand when they are supporting child labour?

In the country I live in you rarely see forms of child labour. In the city I come from you see the majority of children and youth not in the working force. A child working at the age of 5-10 rarely crosses my mind. I strongly believe that child labour is a serious global social issue that families in Westernized countries need to be more aware of. Millions of children are forced into child labour because they have no choice. Everyone should have the opportunity to grow up as a ‘free child.' Children should have the right to be children.

All comment and suggestions are welcome!